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Reverse Logistics: 12 Things You Should Know About


business concept of all the methods of reverse logistics

Reverse Logistics is a warehouse trend rising rapidly, particularly in companies with eCommerce sales. Those companies report up to a 30% rise in shoppers returning their purchases. The impulse buyer and those buyers who purchase multiple sizes of the same item, returning the ones that don’t fit.

Reverse logistics has existed for over 100 years, with customers having the opportunity to return items. Today, consumers expect and use the no-fuss return policies as part of their buying process.

eCommerce orders being returned are three to four times higher than companies with brick-and-mortar stores. This means reverse logistics will remain a fact of life for most companies.

To assist you in understanding what these returns will mean for your company, we have put together 12 points outlining what it means for you.

  1. What is reverse logistics?
  2. What activities are included as reverse logistics?
  3. What is the difference between inbound and outbound logistics?
  4. Is there a difference between reverse logistics and reverse flow?
  5. Do companies require a returns strategy?
  6. What is the cost of implementing a strategy?
  7. What are the components of managing returns?
  8. What are the benefits of a sustainable reverse logistics strategy?
  9. When is return logistics not feasible?
  10. Can reverse logistics contribute to or erode a lean supply chain?
  11. Can return logistics increase customer satisfaction?
  12. How can we make reverse logistics work for our company?

Download your guide now.


With a review of your current warehouse design and layout, discussions around your planning and projected volume of inventory, Bowen Storage can assist you in installing the right shelving systems and space utilisation to maximise the efficiencies for your business.

If you are interested in establishing reverse logistics for your warehouse operations, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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