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A Site Survey: Why They a Critical to Good Warehouse Layout


people conducting a site survey of a warehouse

Are you planning to relocate to a new warehouse facility or upgrade the existing site? If that is on your schedule, then a site survey is important before you start any planning.

The survey is the first step of the planning process for establishing warehouse capacity and workflow in the location. To avoid any mistakes or unforeseen problems during the construction of the pallet racking system and to gain an understanding of any other design requirements, the survey eliminates the risk of construction challenges or obstructions through the early detection of potential problems. It provides the basis of a well-designed productive warehouse facility.

A site survey answers the questions for:

Project feasibility – When our professional consultants assess your site, it can eliminate any uncertainties or doubts you may have about the potential storage capacity and workflow and provide you with an understanding of what is possible.

Establishing the design foundation – The design will be based on the site survey finding and a clear understanding of your specific requirements for your products and operational requirements. This ensures nothing is overlooked or missed, and the design produced will deliver the results you require.

What is Involved in a Survey?

Download this great eBook and learn more about site surveys.

This eBook explains:

  • What is Involved in a Survey?
  • Tools or equipment used to carry out the site survey
  • How Long Should a Survey Take?
  • What is the Investment for a Site?
  • What is the Next Step after The Survey?
  • What services are included in the design phase?

If you have any other questions about site surveys, please reach out to us.

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A Site Survey: Why They A Critical To Good Warehouse Layout

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